
This blog was born a few years ago when my beloved brother Lari-Antti and I took off to Asia by train from Finland. As I am now on some further Asian explorations, I thought I'd get back to writing! This time though I am not accompanied by my lovely brother and I seem to be too old and weary for travelling overland.... The plan however is to spend about a month surfing in Sri Lanka (as soon as I'm done with Singapura:) and a few months in India, practicing yoga in the southern part. I do miss Lari-Antti's company and feel guilty about the amount of air miles I'm racking up. However, I'm excited about this trip and happy to share it through the blog with anyone who happens to be interested in hearing about it!

 Thanks to my 'local guide', my dear friend Michael, I've really enjoyed my time so far here  in Singapore! 
Bye Europe, hello Asia!

"Malay legend has it that long ago, a Sumatran prince visiting the island of Temasek saw a strange animal that was identified to him as a lion. The good omen prompted the prince to found a city on the spot of the sighting. He called it Singapura (Lion City)."

Some serious work in progress:) -at the beautiful botanic garden!

Finally managed to get myself a sugar free iced matcha latte, yummy!!!!!! "But it's bitter!" said the salesperson. I loooove bitter:)
(As you can see I decided to chop my thumb along with the fruits for a lovely breakfast... didn't taste quite as good as e.g. the papaya below...)